The Drummer's Program
The Drummer's Program
"It's About Time"

Courses of Study:
Courses of Study:
● The Professional Program
This course is the traditional private music lesson. In these lessons there is homework assigned, practice is expected, and adjudication is involved.
● The Hobbyist Program
This course is designed for those who are interested in playing drums but may not be able to dedicate themselves to it full time. The adult professional, career person who wants only to enjoy playing at home on their own after a long day at work is the perfect example of someone receiving this type of lesson. This course does not require practice or assessment.
● Teacher Certification Program
This course prepares talented players to become career, professional private instructors. The Drummer’s Program offers the only teacher certification program of this kind in the country and it demands the “exceptional” from each candidate. The Teacher Certification Program is an extension of the professional course. Each candidate is recommended by their private instructor and approved by the director, and will have the opportunity to learn The Drummer’s Program curriculum and systems while working as a Junior Instructor. Completion of the Teacher Certification Program involves very high performance standards, concluding with a thorough playing exam, and a minimum of 2 years (or equivalent) as an Assistant Instructor.
The Drummer's Program is currently accepting new applicants for the Teacher Certification Program. Interested in a rewarding career teaching others what you are passionate about? Click the link below to contact us for more information.
Good teaching responds to the learner